New SOUND ELIXIRS Release Now Available!

SOUND ELIXIRS Vol. I: Piano - Potions for Calming Cover Art

SOUND ELIXIRS is a series offered with a clear intention. Brad's life has been a constant exploration focused on clarifying intention and motivation in relation to the whole of human experience. "I have a single aim. Every thought, word and activity in every way is born, developed, produced and expressed from that aim and dedicated to the fulfillment of that aim. The aim is to benefit others in anyway I possibly can."

The SOUND ELIXIRS series is an expression of Brad's commitment to that aim. Each volume in the Sound Elixirs series focuses on expressing a single positive force for the sole purpose of invoking, generating and cultivating in the listener a helpful, positive and beneficial state of mind constructive in easing the effects of disturbing emotions. "Stress, worries, fears, all these and more are conditions and causes of such horrible sufferings which only lead to more suffering for ourselves and others. If even a single person can receive any benefit, any relief from such disturbing and afflictive thoughts and emotions for even a moment, that moment can grow into more moments; maybe then their life and everyone's life can be a little better. This human existence is precious. So if I can contribute some influence of calming, joy, compassion, strength or other positive qualities through music, then it's a good thing."

The first volume in the SOUND ELIXIRS series, Piano - Potions for Calming, is centered on the calming influence. "Let's start there. Calming. Give the mind some calming influence, a break from all the mind noise and maybe with a bit of calming influence we can see things more clearly, reasonably and give ourselves and each other some space; space to make a better decision, to be more kind, patient, or space to calm down and just not yell at the dog. You know? A little calming can really change everything."

"Enjoy the music!"

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